Mohamed Abd Elnaser
June 12, 2020
Crying may be a normal event within the lives of all babies.When a baby comes out of the woomb the primary thing to try to to is crying.By the primary cry he will take some air in to the lungs for the primary time in their life.After delivery if the baby doesnot cry then it should be initiated by slightly pinching or gently strocking the feet.From this it's clear that the healthy baby should cry and it's a traditional physiological event ,still some times it can upset the mother or relations
We all know that a baby can't tell his needs or troubles in words. the sole way for him to speak with others is by crying.Babies show another signs like feet kicking,hand waving and head turning ect.But the simplest thanks to take the eye of others is by crying
Excessive crying might not have a firm definition because the crying habit changes from baby to baby and a few babies are often calmed easily but some are difficult to sooth.If crying is distressing for the mother and residential nurse it are often called excessive.Many a times baby become quiet by giving breast milk or by carrying with a mild rocking.Sudden onset of excessive crying means baby is distressed and wishes attention.The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions.Hence crying of a baby shouldn't be ignored
Most of the time it's difficult to seek out the explanation for the cry .Common causes are discussed here for awareness.
Common reasons for crying:
A hungry baby will cry till he gets the milk. Here the old saying comes true'crying baby gets the milk'.
Urination and defecation causes some discomfort and leads to crying till his parts are cleaned and made dry .
Majority of the youngsters need somebody near. If they feel lonely they cry.When their favourite doll slips faraway from the grip they cry out for help.
When the baby is tired after a journey and unable to sleep just cry simply.They feel tired in uncomfortable sourroundings and thanks to unhealthy climate.
5,Heat & cold:--
If they feel too hot or too cold they become restless and cry. Child is comfortable during a room with good ventilation.
6,Tight cloathing:--
Tight cloaths especially during warm climate is intolerable for teenagers .Tight elastic of the the dress also can produce soreness within the hip region.
7,Dark room:--
When the baby wakes up from sleep he needs some dim light.If there's darkness he will disturb the sleep of oldsters by crying.Ofcourse he are going to be irritated by strong light leading to cry.
Yes,these creatures disturb the sleep by their blood sucking and make the baby to cry.
9,Nasal blocking:--
Child might not be ready to sleep when there's a chilly and continue crying till the passage is open.
10, Phlegm in throat:--
This also causes difficult breathing leading to cry.Often a typical sound are often heard with each breath.
11,General aching:--
Generalised body ache with restlessness is seen in flu and prodromal stages of some infectious diseases may result in continuous cry.
12,Habitual cry:---Some babies cry with none real cause ending the oldsters in agony.Many a times doctor is named for help.
13,Nappy rash:-- If a decent and wet nappy is kept for an extended time leads to this conditon.
Rash also can flow from to some allergy to the elastic material of the nappy. When the rash appears it causes soreness and baby become sleepless and cry. All other skin lesions like eczema,ecthyma ,candidiasis ect also causes same problems.
Ear infection is common in wet climate.The infection may spread from the throat.Ear infection may result in rupture of ear drum causing discharge of pus.Eareache usually becomes worse in the dark when lying down.Child will become restless with cry and should not allow you to the touch the ear.Some children with earache rub the affected ear frequently.
When the baby cry continuously most folks diagnose it as colic.This roblem remains a subject for debate because exact cause for colic isn't known and diagnosis is additionally difficult to verify .Colic could also be related to rumbling and distention of abdomen.Child often feels better when lying on abdomen.Some children might not allow you to the touch the abdomen.If the kid cries continuously doctors assistance is needed.
All infections causes some quite pain or irritation leading to cry.Infection could also be anywhere within the body.Usually it's related to fever, redness and swelling.
17,Reactions to certain food:--
It is said that one man's food is another man's poison. Some food articles can produce some allergies .Allergy is manifested within the sort of redness, breathlessness,gastric symptons and continuous cry.
18,Hard stools:--
Constipated babies with hard stools may cry once they get the urge for stool.Some children hesitate to pass stool due to pain .
19,Gastro esophagial reflex:--
Here baby cries with spilling of food after feeding.If this continues it's going to flow from to gastroesophageal reflex.This is thanks to failure of the lower a part of esophagus to shut after food causing regurgitation from the stomach.It is difficult to diagnose this condition and may be confirmed by giving antireflex medicines.
20, Dentition
During dentition child becomes restless with crying.Often related to gastric troubles and diarrhoea
Some rare reasons
1,Bowel obstruction
Bowel obstruction is related to severe pain and vomiting.Abdomen is distended with rumbling sound.Baby is constipated with absence of flatus
Invasion of pathogenic micro organisms in to the blood is named septicemia.Fever is related to this condition.
3,Torsion of testes in male kids
When a male baby cries continuously his scrotum should be examined.Torsion of the testes produce severe pain which can be worse by touching the affected testes.When the testes is pressed upwards pain is releived.If this is often not treated properly it can damage the affected testes thanks to lack of blood supply.
Initially there might not be fever,hence crying baby with alternate vacant stare and irritability shouldn't be ignored.Fontanel is bulging. Neck rigidity and seizures may appear later.
5,Retention of urine
Children with retention of urine will have agonising pain making them restless
7,Major injuries
Major injury to any parts of the body causes pain.Occasionally children will fall while arrying and leads to head injury.Head injury is related to reflex vomiting and convulsions
Reviewed by Mohamed Abd Elnaser
June 12, 2020